Source code for bundle_notifications.optimal_delay

"""This module compiles a few functions used to compute the optimal
notification times.

Functions decorated with @jit are not included in the coverage report.

import numpy as np
from numba import jit

[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def delay(t, x): # pragma: no cover """Calculates delay if notifications are sent at indexes indicated by notification_idx Parameters ---------- t : np.array Array containing the timestamps of the events Returns -------- datetime[ns] Sum of total delay """ p1 = t[x[0]] - t[:x[0]] p2 = t[x[1]] - t[x[0]+1:x[1]] p3 = t[x[2]] - t[x[1]+1:x[2]] p4 = t[-1] - t[(x[2]+1):] return p1.sum() + p2.sum() + p3.sum() + p4.sum()
[docs]def total_delay_brute(timestamp): # pragma: no cover """ Given a Series of Timestamps, calculate total delay using brute force: try out all possible combinations This function is kept here for reference and possible future implementations. Parameters ---------- t : np.array Array containing the timestamps of the events Returns -------- np.array array of length 4. Each element indicates an index where the optimal notification should be sent. """ import itertools as it # Calculate possible combinations N = len(timestamp) list_possible = list(it.combinations(list(range(0, N-1)), 3)) # Add last element to all list_possible = [list(tup)+[N-1] for tup in list_possible] # Allocate array of times tot_delay = np.array([0] * len(list_possible)) # Compute total delay. Loop for all combinations for i, l in enumerate(list_possible): tot_delay[i] = delay(timestamp, np.array(l)) # END return np.array(list_possible[np.argmin(tot_delay)])
# Heuristic: distribute equally along the day
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def total_delay_initial(timestamp): # pragma: no cover """ Given a Series of Timestamps, sample 4 points equally distributed index-wise Parameters ---------- t : np.array Array containing the timestamps of the events Returns -------- np.array array of length 4. Each element indicates an index where the initial optimal notification should be sent. """ # Calculate possible combinations N = len(timestamp) # Compute total delay. x = [int(N/4), int(N/2), int(0.75*N), N-1] # END return np.array(x)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def local_search_negative(timestamp, x, max_iter=20): # pragma: no cover """Local search negative step Parameters ---------- t : np.array (DateTime) array of timestamps x : list of int Indicate indexes where the notification is sent max_iter : int Maximum number of local search steps to be performed Returns -------- np.array optimized notification schedule. Each item corresponds to an index of t """ i = 0 while i < max_iter: # Calculate initial delay f = delay(timestamp, x) i += 1 max_improve = -9999999999 # Now try to decrease the notification indexes one by one. # Keep solution if improves. for k in range(0, 3): if x[k] == 0: continue x_aux = x.copy() x_aux[k] -= 1 f1 = delay(timestamp, x_aux) improve = f - f1 # print(f"{k} Total delay swap: {f1} x_aux: {x_aux}") if improve > max_improve: max_improve = improve k_improve = k # Now we've got the most improving index. If no improvement: stop if max_improve < 0: i = max_iter + 100 return x # If there is improvement then swap and repeat else: x[k_improve] -= 1 i += 1 return x
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def local_search_positive(timestamp, x, max_iter=20): # pragma: no cover """Local search negative step Parameters ---------- t : np.array (DateTime) array of timestamps x : list of int Indicate indexes where the notification is sent max_iter : int Maximum number of local search steps to be performed Returns -------- np.array optimized notification schedule. Each item corresponds to an index of t """ i = 0 while i < max_iter: # Calculate initial delay f = delay(timestamp, x) i += 1 max_improve = -9999999999 # Now try to decrease the notification indexes one by one. # Keep solution if improves. for k in range(0, 3): if x[k] == 0: continue x_aux = x.copy() x_aux[k] += 1 f1 = delay(timestamp, x_aux) improve = f - f1 # print(f"{k} Total delay swap: {f1} x_aux: {x_aux}") if improve > max_improve: max_improve = improve k_improve = k # Now we've got the most improving index. If no improvement: stop if max_improve < 0: i = max_iter + 100 return x # If there is improvement then swap and repeat else: x[k_improve] += 1 i += 1 return x